3D Image – Dimensional Life

Only with 2 Euros per hour you can:

Live, breath, create in a virtual world. Buy, sell, search, getting stressed. Kill and being killed. Banned from reality, establishing e-friendships and exchanging e-compliments. The screen and your chair your safe micro world…

But life is not just another game. Cops kill and judges acquit them. Politicians legislate only for those who exploit us. Mass media misinform and promote only those weakness values that lead society in a trance and turn people on just consumer parts of their mechanism. A mechanism that shrinks freedoms and rights and derogates our dignity.

In front of a pc, you’re hiding from the society. Having the illusion you’re using it as a communication tool, you’re consistently being isolated and sink deeper and deeper to apathy. From television addicted generation to computer addicted one. Submissive and harmless appliance of this system. Without reflexes, just as they need us. Without education, just as they want us. Without critical thinking, they are afraid of it

It’s not enough being informed without participating. Neither the trees will grow back just by sending sms, nor the world will change through the facebook groups and chain mails. In December’s 2008 struggles, the innovative use of internet as a mean of offering counter and direct information proved that we have a very powerful tool in our hands. But such a thing would be meaningless if not combined with our physical presence on the street and the barricades.


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