About Eng

The need for demystifying the way technology is used today resulted in the creation of a collective that perceives it on its own visual. Through open discussions we discerned the need to make visible and communicate our oppositions in this area. We are not technophobic but through our choices proponents of searching of knowledge in information society.

Using free software for achieving part of our goals is in itself political attitude and way of perceiving the digital world. The support on our side of open source operating systems and applications aims at the possibility it becomes useful to every part of society, adapted to its real needs, opposed to closed-source applications that are purely commercial products highly cost, preventing the public from their use. The software’s commercialization aims to control and directed use of technology, having questionable and many times harmful results for us and our life. Although promoted as a product that facilitates and frees society, is in fact a preservative, for those that control it and at the same time, a manipulation, for those that accept and use it.

The way in our days communication technologies are used (internet, mass media, etc) has as a result the alienation and isolation of human. Their use, degenerated as it is, not accidentally, leads to the incarceration of individual to itself, preventing him/her from his/her socialization. The individual communicates, works, loves, lives through his/her pc. Creator and director of the thriller is none other than the manipulator capitalism, with all of us being just spectators. Relying more and more on information suppliers, on matters having to do with the crisis, the interpretation and the commentary, we risk losing our ability to think and therefore the entire society losing its ability to think and judge. Our society, as a community of communicating people risks falling into decay. The deposition of information in our hands is an end in itself and the only way to resist to the alienation of modern man.

As knowledge is no one’s property, we aim at all-round exchange of knowledge among us and among everyone interested. We consider necessary the transmission of knowledge believing it will contribute to the successful development of the entire effort. Ways achieving our goals and coming close to the society are the organization of events (workshops, activities, etc.) and the offer assistance to anyone interested, as much as we can.

The collective is covered by anti-hierarchical structures and self-organization characteristics. Everyone is likely to act autonomously and initiatively respecting the others. Clearly our goal is the removal of profits from all of our actions and we oppose to any kind of sponsorship. The existence and the development of the collective will be built in us the same.

Through our desires we consider imperative changing the current technological status quo. We act collectively, self-organized and against the definition of our life by technology.



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